Cactus by Suitcase

There are a few CDs in my collection that are rather obscure. Local wedding bands, CD samplers, groups that never took off. It’s one of the things I love about buying CDs in large bundles, or going to local thrift stores. There are so many releases from so many places that it’s likely you won’t find anything you’ve heard of at all. It’s testament to the concept that streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music try to remedy with curated playlists and AI disc jockeys: there is far too much music for any one person to listen to. Even in just one genre you could likely spend every minute of every day listening to, I don’t know, country and never reach the bottom because theres new stuff coming out every day.

But then theres the case of an album that has absolutely no coverage anywhere. I have 2 of these in my collection as far as I can tell, one of which is from a proper label and the other appears to be pressed on a CD-R with jewel case art printed at Kinko’s. The album is called Cactus, and it’s from an artist called Suitcase. There is a website and email address written in the liner notes, but the web client is long dead. There is a backup of this on the internet, just one, and I’ll link it below. Imagine putting this much effort, this much time into an EP for it to be forgotten, especially one like this with some real talent and love put behind it.

click here to access the album on the internet archive

To speak of the contents, it’s mellow acoustic guitar and vocals for the most part, with the title track introducing an electric guitar for backing. The singer, whose name is Ben Porter, provides well sung lyrics with a melancholy tone. It very much has the vibe of someone you meet while traveling, someone who lives out of, well, a suitcase. He has some stories to tell and can play a song or two, but when you close your eyes he disappears, like a mirage.

But maybe this whole album is a mirage, something you only think you saw. Looking into the internet archive upload a little more, the username of the uploader stands out, Hams8088. Thats my account, I uploaded the CD 5 years ago. I don’t remember doing it, but I guess I had at some point. I hope I’m not the only person in the world who owns this album, I hope Mr. Porter is out there doing well for himself. But if not, if there is no Ben Porter and theres only one copy of this album, then I’m glad I helped to archive it. I highly recommend listening to it, and while you’re at it save a copy.

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